The Number 7 & Vedic Practices

A person sitting in the middle of a sunset.
The Atma

The number 7 has played an important role in the history of the world.  The 7 races of humanity, the seven wonders of the world. The 7 creative planets and the 7 stars of the Pleiades. There are 7 mystical notes from which all music derives. The moon passes through 7 days of increase, 7 days of decrease and 7 days of renewal. There are 7 days of the week, the 7 tones in the human voice, and 7 chords in instrumental music. The body has 7 distinct parts – head, chest, abdomen, two arms, two legs. There are 7 internal organs – heart, liver, spleen, two lungs, stomach and two kidneys.

There are 7 openings in the head – two eyes, two nostrils, two ears and one mouth, for which Vedic Yoga can help to cleans:

Eyes – Netra Sakti Vikasaka (palming) and Tratak (central fixation) – are great exercises for relaxing the eyes.  

Nose – Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing)  – this exercise helps you to consciously control the heating and cooling mechanisms in your body.  

Ears – Mantras – (saying and listening) – mantras can help to quieten a busy mind and relax the body, thus, great for overall stress relief. 

Mouth – Kapalabhati – (cleansing breath) – a pranayama and purification method, where the exhalation is brief and active – the abdominals are contracted sharply to expel stale air. 

A woman is doing a plank on the floor

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