Vedic Knowledge

Vedic Astrology, Vedic Counselling & Vedic Yoga

Benefits: We aim to show you, that through informed choices and simple changes, that you can achieve the energy and vitality that you’ve been craving for years.

Life is often said to be a long stretch of time, and to make the best use of it, you need to be operating to your full potential. Emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health is paramount, and if they are compromised, then you won’t be living a vibrant, passionate, and designed life. We provide solutions that are guaranteed to create a shift in your health and vitality.

Many of the conventional treatments for greater energy are nothing but quick fixes that do nothing but temporarily cure the symptoms of modern day living. We focus on long term solutions that have the power to changes lives forever.

As the years go by, it seems that depression and anxiety are becoming more of an epidemic. The number of sick days due to stress has increased, and the number of people who suffer from mental health issues is growing. We want to be part of the movement that helps bring positive changes to the world – by facilitating a growing appreciation of mindfulness, yoga, and mental balance.

The physical benefits of regular mind and body practice exist alongside, and inform, the mental, psychological and emotional benefits of the practise. An increasing body of evidence is emerging that meditation and yoga can have positive effects on mood and can ease the symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Vedic Yoga

A definition of Yoga Therapy -

“Yoga Therapy is the adaptation of yoga practices for people with health challenges.  Yoga Therapists prescribe specific regimens of postures, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to suit individual needs. 

Medical research shows that Yoga Therapy is among the most effective complementary therapies for several common ailments.  The challenges may be an illness, a temporary condition like pregnancy or childbirth or a chronic condition associated with old age or infirmity.

Yoga Therapy, Robin Monro, Ph. D. Yoga Biomedical Trust (England)

Yoga is a holistic system for creating harmony and a balance of energies on every level of our being – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  When this balance is disturbed in illness, yoga can help restore it and cure, or manage, the illness.

Yoga therapy utilises practices from India which date back thousands of years.  Scientific research shows that these practices for managing psychosomatic, stress-related conditions, which are so common today.  This is because you bridge the gap between body and mind, ranging across the whole spectrum from physical to mental.

In such cases, yoga therapy can help people by tailoring yoga to their individual needs, taking into account their health problems, constitution and circumstances.

One-to-one consultations provide appropriate yoga therapy regimens for a wide variety of conditions and people: (addiction, asthma, cancer, arthritis, low back pain, multiple sclerosis, menstrual problems, pregnancy and childbirth, babies and postnatal).  Yoga therapy starts with very simple exercises.  You can begin to practise and benefit right away, even if you have never done yoga before.  Commencing with simple stretching and breathing exercises, you gradually progress in stages to a range of posture, breathing and relaxation practices.


Mindfulness is about paying attention to your thoughts. It’s been said that on a daily basis, we have over 60,000 thoughts. How many of them are facilitating your growth, and how many of them are taking you away from doing the things that you know matter? How many thoughts are distracting you from what’s truly important, and how many are keeping you in a cycle of pain? Our emotions are linked to our thoughts, and so we can learn to know ourselves by paying attention to the dialogue in our heads.

We are not the authors of our inner dialogue – thoughts just come up, come down, and come back. Most of our thought processes are habitual; how many of those habitual processes are doing us harm, and how many of them are doing us good? For the most part, people tend to have negative thought loops, and it’s only through the process of mindfulness, that we can learn to disengage from the stream of thinking that encroaches over our lives.

Vedic Remedies

Vedic Healing operate the ‘7 Pathways to health ®’ – Therapy, Teachings, Tonics, Treatment, Tantra, Training and Tenet, to aid holistic (mind and body) healing.  They consist of traditional eastern and western methods, techniques with practices: Ayurveda and Thai Massage (mind and body healing systems), Yama (ethical disciplines), Niyama (self observation), Asana (posture), Pratyahara (sense withdrawal), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi (a state of joy and peace) Relaxation (the act or state of relaxing) Visualisation (mental visual images) and others.

Physical, emotional, psychological and mental problems tackled: love, fear, relationships, expectations, judgements, comparisons, separations, nature, kindness, words, names, truth, opinions, revenge, punishment, justice, thoughts, senses, food, happiness, special, ego, vegetarianism, pride, god, natural medicine, religion, money, politics, sex, faith, childhood, silence, death, health, forgiveness, existence, disease, breath, sacrifice, power, control, children, wants, needs, jewels, different, homosexuality, war, modern medicine, touch, labelling, politeness, blame, insults and many, many more.

“Life is a given and living can be challenging, get in touch for advice, treatments and guidance.” 

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Whatsapp: +44 7376717080

Email: [email protected]

A colorful wheel with seven different colors of the same color.