In Celebration of Gustav Holst – Part 3

We are celebrating the birthday of Gustav Holst on the 21 September 2024. Do check online for all events.
Have you all listened to ‘The Planets’? If not, then what are you waiting for?
See the previous posts, Part 1 and Part 2 for astrological charts and other interesting details about Gustav Holst.
Part 3 – Astrological Health:
Gustav had many health challenges throughout his life and lived to the age of 59 years; he lived far longer than the average lifespan of the times.
Astrologically we can break lifespan into three major periods: Childhood: (0-32years), Middle Life: (32-64 years) and Old Age: (64 years to 96+ years).
The (Janma lagna & Janma Nakshatra), Moon Ascendant and Moon Stars:
The Moon Lagna represents (Rayi), our access and ability to take in food, nourishment for the organs in the body and the blood flow throughout our circulatory system.
The Moon Nakshatra represents the (Prana), the subtle energy moving through the body – the breath and life-force.
Saturn is (Shubhapati), the dispositor of the Moon. For Gustav Holst, his Moon is placed in the sign of Capricorn. The Moon is our (manas) mind, mother, society and sustenance.
Gustav was born during (Sade Sati) – a period when Saturn transits the Moon sign. With Saturn as Shubhapati, it supports his Moon in own sign and indicates a person with the ability to carry great burdens and sorrows of others.
Saturn is the significator for longevity strongly placed in a Kendra house. In its own sign Saturn is strongly placed, but with some weakness, as in lagna it is (Marana Karaka Sthana), indicating deathlike suffering, shyness and potential losses from the houses and signs that it lords – Capricorn and Aquarius.
Moon Nakshatra is in ‘The ‘Stars’ – Uttarasadha (4th Pada), one who is intelligent and multi-talented. Gustav had an abundance of energy to pursue his goals.
However, there are some blockages as the Moon does not support planets in the 2nd or 8th sign from it and in this case the 8th sign of Leo. Mars the (bhadakesh) our karmic blockage causing pain, injury and more and for Capricorn ascendants, is in the 8th house with mutual association with the sign of Capricorn and the planets Saturn and Moon.
From the Moon in Capricorn the bhadakesh, mental blockages that will appear in life, is the sign of Libra where Venus conjoined Ketu aspected by Rahu and Mars.
Mars dristi on Saturn indicates (Yama Yoga) demise. Further, Mars gets debilitated in the sign of Cancer and the lord is the Moon, also affected.
You want the desired dristi of Jupiter to protect your mind and body, but although it does offer some support to Saturn and Moon, it has weaknesses. Jupiter is badly placed in Virgo, under (Papa Kartari Yoga) hemming and (ashtangata) combust by the Sun, thus, Jupiter failed to fully protect his health.
The Sun is lord of Uttarasadha Nakshatra and as 8th lord of Leo it is weakly placed in Virgo, under hemming, thus affecting the energy of his body.
The (Khara), 4th from Moon, is the sign of Aries. The lord Mars has a mutual aspect on Capricorn (Saturn and Moon), again indicating blockages to the nourishment of vital organs and the life force, affecting mind and body.
The (Nara Chakra) indicating the systems of the body, was drawn for Gustav to identify the circulation of blood to his vital organs and to detect any blockages and weaknesses in his body, this revealed the 3rd, 5th, 8th and 10th houses issues:
The 3rd sign of Pisces presents the Nervous System, speech, physical actions, sensory information, breath, thyroid, throat…
The 5th sign of Taurus the metabolic system: belly/abdomen, stomach, bowels, womb…
The 8th sign of Leo the intestines – digestion of food and regulating water entering and leaving the body, entrails, anus, private parts…
The 10th sign of Libra the visual system – eyes sight…
Furthermore, the Mars permanent dristi on the Moon indicates danger to life.
From Gustav’s D30 divisional chart, Taurus is the sign that shows where death comes. Both lords Moon and Venus are afflicted and have mutual dristi with Mars. Jupiter, the largest beneficial planet, has a desire to protect health, but is too weak as previously mentioned. Jupiter is lord of the 3rd house and sign of Pisces and Sagittarius the 12th house includes losses, sorrow, limitation and hospital, therefore a difficult house.

(Dasa): Planetary periods that can influence all aspects of life:
1/Naisargika dosa: Sun / Venus
Sun is the lord of Mars in the 8th house and Venus lord of 10th house of karma bhava
2/Narayana dosa: Virgo / Scorpio (bhadaka bhava / lord Mars)
Virgo is the 9th sign of protection, with Jupiter and Mercury combust by the Sun; Mars is lord of Scorpio.
3/Yogini dosa: Venus / Rahu
Venus is conjunct Ketu the co-lord of Scorpio, the main lord is Mars who is the dispositor of Rahu (AK) – (Atman), ‘the self’, placed in the sign of Aries.
We will all leave this planet when the period of time is right. Gustav started early in life on improving his health conditions, with dietary changes and lifestyle; this along with favourable astrological support contributed to a relatively long life.
Thanks to heaven for this strong, insightful and pioneering composer.
Om Tat Sat
Elle Feurtado, BA, SYT, Vedic Astrologer & Therapist