Gustav Holst – Vedic Astrological Reading [Part 2]
Do check online for events in celebration of Gustav Holst – 150 years.

Jaimini Sutras: Atmakaraka (AK): The soul signification in life:
Gustav Holst had Rahu (AK) placed in (the ‘Stars’) of Ashvini Nakshatra – its main symbol is a ‘horse’s head’. A horse’s head conveys the idea of ‘a beginning’. One can notice how riders pat their horse’s neck before beginning any journey. From time immemorial a horse has been seen as a symbol of power, courage, movement and vitality. A horse’s head signifies an eagerness to act and a swiftness of approach. Since Ashvini lies in the beginning of the sign Aries, which is seen as representing the head of the (Kalapurusha Chart) the external being, this relates to mental impulses and leadership.
Mars as lord of Aries is the dispositor of Rahu (AK) placed in the 8th house of Leo. Mars has (argala) planetary sign intervention on the 4th, 5th, 10th and 11th house, it shows ones’ general state of happiness and living conditions 4th house, children and supporters 5th house, spouse 7th house, karma 10th house and gains 11th house – the 7th and 11th houses will not be covered here.
Early family life shown in the 4th house of Aries, which receives maximum sunlight. Rahu (AK) the (north node of the moon), is placed there, this casts a shadow of darkness; Rahu is an airy planet placed in a fire sign, thus, uncomfortableness would have been felt. However, it is in mutual connection to the dispositor Mars, strongly placed in the sign of Leo, offering strength to this house, that gave Gustav the ability to overcome any negative early life experiences.
Mars is placed in the 4th pada, of (the ‘Stars’) of Magha Nakshatra. The brightest and largest amongst nakshatras, is represented in the night sky by a sickle-shaped group of stars in front of the royal constellation of Leo. It is seen as the ‘Royal Chamber’ of power and status. As Mars is the (karaka), significator for debts placed in Leo the 8th house of inheritance, one can say, Gustav had to handle past life knowledge and deal with a karmic debt through to completion in this lifetime. Furthermore, he had planets in Ashvini Natshatra and Magha Natshatra both have Ketu as lord, so deeply spiritually connected to forefathers: paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother and as placed in Aries and Leo, fire signs, gave him intuitive foresight and strength to advance to complete his amazing work on ‘The Planets’. Ketu has ‘a flag’ as a symbol and can make souls with an ascendant, moon, or other prominent planet in Magha, leave a stamp on this world; in other words, they leave a flag behind after reaching a position of distinction, that will be held in high esteem and be talked about for generations to come.
The 5th house is Taurus, has Venus along with Moon as co-lord of this sign; they aspect Taurus along with the biggest beneficial planet that of Jupiter, therefore, further empowering this house signification to give positive results. The 5th house rules authority and power that one enjoys due to skills and knowledge as well as Purva Punya. As the (Tithi Arudha) and ‘Spotlight house’ from the moon to the sun, this lead Gustav to the position of ‘Director of Music’ and was known as a great teacher with a strong sense of relationships, partnerships, communication of feelings with the ability to bring harmony to the organisation of his immediate environment. The 5th house is his soul nature and creative intelligence and the greatest is that of children. Gustav gained satisfaction from teaching and interactions with students and creative professionals.

The 10th Nakshatra of Gustav Holst’s(Kharma Tara), is of office, occupation and special duties falls in (the ‘Star’) of Rohini Nakshatra, situated in the sign of Taurus. Rohini’s main symbol is an Ox-Cart pulled by Two Oxen. All the qualities normally associated with oxen like steadiness, fixity and ability to romp over anything which comes in its way, find expression through Rohini. Some of the qualities normally ascribed to the sign Taurus such as earthiness, fixity, stability, creativity, productivity, material security, acquisitiveness, refinement, accumulating, luxury loving, are mostly derived from Rohini’s essential qualities of entertainment.
Lord Brahma, the creator among the governing Trinity of the universe, is the main presiding deity of Rohini. All Brahma does is ‘create, create and create’ and the same is the case with Rohini. It is that important productive aspect of Maya, which keeps the game of life worth playing for those involved, Gustav Holst focus was on the sign of Taurus for he was committed from the age of 31 years to the role of ‘Director of Music’ at the St Paul’s Girl’s School.
The 10th house is Libra, the sign that gives leadership, power and command of ideas. Here Venus conjoins Ketu with directional strength (dig bala) and carries the karma from past life, placed in the house of karma, (Karma Bhava), that means action. It has the brightest rays and shines early. It shows our effect upon the world and relates to career and vocation. Venus as lord of the 5th house Taurus and 10th house Libra is ‘Raja Yoga Karaka’ for Capricorn ascendant. This is the second ‘Maha Parusha Yoga’, the yoga of great men, that of ‘Malavya Yoga’ giving artistic talents.
The sign of Libra is also the (Arudha Lagna), an image of Gustav that would have been seen by peers, community and society. Venus connected to Ketu the lord of Magha and Ashvini Nakshatras in the 10th house, the highest house in the chart and opposed the 4th house assisted in addressing any weaknesses from that house and imbalances between work and rest. Whatever we do through the 10th house will be noticed. Saturn has a full aspect on this house that helped to refine and spiritualise Venus. The planet ‘Venus’ represents astral light. She opens us up to the kingdoms, the realms of beauty of the gods. These include not only the realms of art and myth, but also psychic abilities, powers of visualisation and creative direction of the mind force. The Sanskrit name for Venus, (Shukra) means ‘brilliant light’.
In the Navamsa Chart, representative of the later period of life, shows Rahu (AK) and Ketu (ayus exalted) one of the highest states for long life in Taurus ascendant and Scorpio the 7th house. Mercury and Jupiter placed in their own and friendly sign of Gemini, gaining place strength in the 2nd house. Two airy planets (vayu grahas) Rahu lords 5th and 10th houses and Saturn the 9th and 10th houses of raja yoga status, giving innate skills for composition. Therefore, in Gustav’s later life, he was successful with achievements and recognition as promised – The Planets (1918): Aged 44 Years; Director of Music at St. Paul’s Girls’ School (1905): Aged 31 Years.
In the Dasamsa Chart, representative of one’s career in this life. Rahu (AK) and Ketu are again (ayus exalted), in Taurus and Scorpio, conjunct Venus and Mars the lords, placed in the 5th and 11th houses. Saturn is strong in its own sign of Aquarius.
[Part 3 – Next week]
Om Tat Sat