Elon’s hands of power manifest with Yogas

Elon Musk has a Gemini Ascendant a ‘Mithuna Lagna’ in Sanskrit.
The lagna is in ‘the Stars’ of Ardra Nakstatra, this gives Elon Musk a cutting nature with executive abilities. It is a huge blessing to have a beneficial planet in the lagna and in this case, Mercury gives popularity and fame.
Lagna under ‘Papa Kartari Yoga’, that means besieged by two malefic planets, therefore restrictions to overcome before intellectual blessings.
“Mercury has the best appearance, is witty, fond of jokes and laughter, and is learned. He takes upon himself the nature and constitution of the planets with which he is associated” Parashara 3.26
In Elon Musk’s chart Mercury has ‘dig bala’, directional strength in the East, thus, the best placement in any astrological chart. Mercury is conjoined with the Sun, the (Naisargika Bhava Karaka) first house significator, here the Sun acts exalted giving self-expression, appearance and status in the material world. Elon’s Sun and Mercury are placed in Ardra Nakshatra, making him research oriented in science and technology with a probing intellect. With mental and intellectual acumen, he is upfront about voicing his findings and driving his research to the desired goal. One can say that his achievements are the result of Ardra’s energy. Elon can be impolite and critical; he stands strong in any confrontation.
Mercury lords the ascendant and 4th house of Virgo, it aspects its own house with the other lord Rahu conjoined his soul significator Mars Atmakaraka (AK) is at the degree of maximum exalted in Capricorn. They are both in strength and indicate those who think, analyse and contemplate and tend to not go to extremes. Elon knows his limits. With Jupiter placed 11th from Mars (AK), in the sign of Scorpio, Elon uses the depth of knowledge as strength in debates. His Mars as the lord of Scorpio and the great planet of energy. It’s the planet of power, strength, courage and aggression, which measures Elon’s ability to project force and accomplish in life. However, on a negative side, this same aggression brings about competition, argument and conflict – a placing of one’s personal will-to-power over the good of others. Combined with Jupiter, the positive side of Mars comes out as the capacity to make great achievements in life in harmony with law and truth.
The 2nd house of livelihood, speech and youth, has Ketu placed there indicating some mistakes in early life, aspected by Jupiter, that gains directional strength in the 1st house to strengthen significations, also, Rahu, Mars, Venus and Mars are all aspects, to be a source of personal and material resources. The second house has ‘Shubha Kartari Yoga’ this means beneficial hemming, thus protecting his extreme wealth.
Moon rules the 2nd house of Cancer, that of fluctuation and changes in early family life, finances and speech. From the Moon as 2nd house lord, placed in the Sun sign of Leo, as Sun is in strength, it represents a strong soul who possesses fine principles and good intelligence.
The Moon, Shukla Paka (S6), Sasti Tithi, an ugra: fierce and severe tithi, necessary when action must be aggressive or harsh. From the Moon placed in the sign of Leo and in ‘the Stars’ of Purvaphalguni (Pada 1), both lords Sun and Venus acts exalted, thus, in strength emphasising Elon’s soul power to illuminate the minds of those around him and people who follow and respect him throughout the world.
How Elon appears to society is from his Arudha Lagna (AL) in Pisces, in ‘the Stars’ of Revati that has a simple translation – “wealthy” and this Nakshatra is ruled by Mercury. Pisces individuals are emotional, expansive, intuitive and imaginative. Elon likes to influence others, is friendly and communicative with the ability to relate to a variety of people. Mercury is in the 4th house of Gemini from Pisces, in Marana Karaka Sthana, revealing some kind of suffering or loss from fourth house significations such as sacrifices for achieving success, being away from home, mother and overall happiness; from Virgo the opposite sign to the AL, the 7th house significations, like relationships and partnerships.

The meaning of ‘Yoga’ in Vedic Astrology is when two or more planets conjoin in a horoscope.
Musala Yoga: four planets in fixed signs: Leo, Scorpio and Taurus with the Sun lord of Leo in lagna conjunct Mercury the lagnesa, giving fixity of purpose.
Pasa Yoga: (five signs occupied by planets), very skilled at work. Always involved with expansion, development or manifestation of projects. Excessive speech, chatter could be seen as a weakness in addition to becoming ill-mannered. Yet, he is blessed with many business associates and employees.
Mahapurusha Yoga: for Mercury is called Budra Yoga, the auspicious combination. It gives strong mercurial qualities like good powers of speech, intellect, wit, humour, humanism and a balanced psychology. It is common in the charts of businessmen.
Gajakesari Yoga: Jupiter in the 4th house from the moon, thus in kendra bhava, representative of eternal fame.
Mercury, as ‘Yoga Karaka’ conjoins the Sun in ‘Nipuna Yoga’ giving high intelliegence, although, there would have been challenges, like access to educational material, as his Mercury is slightly affected by the Sun.
Elon has numerous ‘Viparita Yogas’ with the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 12th house lords going to the 8th house of Capricorn and 12th house of Taurus: The 3rd lord Sun is placed in Gemini, the ascendant, its karaka house; the 6th lords Mars exalted in Capricorn the 8th house and Ketu in Cancer the 2nd house; the 12th lord is Venus in own sign extremely auspicious and Moon placed in the 3rd house. This all indicates that he did have health challenges to overcome before winning.
Elon is currently running his Mercury – Mercury in the Vimsottari dasa – this time period of life until 24th December 2024 and he is clearly more prominently famous.
[Part 2] coming soon!