Angelina Jolie – this actor’s time to shine as a singer

Planetary connections makes for many ‘Yogas’ in horoscopes and for Angelina Jolie’s chart, to mention a few of these:
-Kedaara – Naabhasa Yoga – (7 planets in 4 Rasis): happy, wealthy, helpful;
-Vesi Yoga (Saturn in 2nd house from the Sun) – balanced, truthful and happy;
-Nipuna Yoga (Sun conjoined Mercury) – skillful, expert/well-known and respected;
-Chandra-Mangala (Moon conjoined Mars) – worldly wise and materially successful;
-Gaja-Kesari (Moon connected to Jupiter) – famous and virtuous;
-Guru-Mangala (Jupiter conjoined Mars) – righteous and energetic;
-Raja Yogas (Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn combinations): success and high achievements.
The most prominent ‘Yogas’ are supported by the Moon, the lagna lord, Mars the ‘Yoga Karaka’ – 5th / 10th lord for Cancer lagna and Jupiter lord of Moon all placed in the sign of Pisces the 9th house of this chart. In Pisces, the ‘Stars’ behind these planets are known as ‘Revati Nakshatra’:
Revati natives usually have a lustrous and luscious body and smiley, lighthearted demeanour.
Revati is a soft but indulgent asterism. It is the nakshatra which derives the most fun and joy out of the drama of life.
This Natshakra doesn’t actually have a sense of limits and so it is very easy for it to do too much of anything. This Natshakra likes to exude power through its speech and other forms of communication. It is the most charming and enchanting amongst all the nakshatras and its charm lies in completely engaging another person’s attention. This engagement can at times be so extreme that the other person may feel that nothing but the two of them exists. It is also a master at appearing intensely engaged in things, even though its attention might be scattered in a million directions. Among the nakshatras. Revati has the strongest ability to cast illusions, while at the same time in its lower aspect it can just as easily get caught up in illusions itself.
Revati is the most tricky and clever amongst the nakshatras. It is a chameleon which can put on any act at any given point in time.
The planets of Jupiter and Moon do well in Revati Nakshatra –
Angelina’s Moon sits in the first pada: This relates to the happy go lucky, optimistic and philanthropic side of this nakshatra. This pada has a tendency to get carried away and so it is important for these natives to choose the right thing to get carried away with. They are the kind who will go about fanatically espousing their cause or belief.
Humanitarian work: Jolie founded and continues to fund the National Centre for Refugee and Immigrant Children, which provides free legal aid to young asylum seekers in the United States. She created Kids in Need of Defense, formed in partnership with Microsoft, which helps children who enter the U.S. immigration system alone. Https://
Jupiter, lord of her Moon, is the harbinger of wisdom and compassion, sits in the third pada: this relates to the bohemian and humanitarian aspect of Revati.
In addition, the conjunction of Mercury (Vara) – Jolie’s birthday lord and Ketu the co-lord of 5th and 9th houses – Scorpio and Pisces are placed in Taurus and this combination mirrors this asterism’s energy.
Angline’s ‘Visesa Yoga Karaka’ is Venus placed in the lagna of Cancer ‘the highlighted house’. Venus is the planet of creativity and as Savitur, the lord of the Sun placed in Taurus, aspects its own sign and leads one to artistic creations and success in the performing arts.
The lords of trine houses, AS – 1st (Moon), 5th (Mars / Ketu) and 9th (Jupiter / Ketu) are always considered to be auspicious. Angeline’s Jupiter placed in a trine aspects all the other trines makes it extremely auspicious. The Navamsa Chart (D9) and Dasamsa Chart (D10) indicate skills associated with Venus: the arts, acting, music and dance. A few significations for Moon: personality and social consciousness; Mars: the planet of power, strength, courage and aggression; Jupiter: domains of principle as law, religion and philosophy.

To be continued… [Part 2]