The Stars in a Musical Superstar – “Starman”

Focusing on the Narayana Dasa – astrological signs covering certain times of life:

In 1969, during Narayana Dasa Virgo / Pisces, aged 22.5 years, ‘Space Oddity’ – No.1 in UK singles chart.

In 1972, during Narayana Dasa – Virgo / Cancer, aged 25.3 years, ‘Starman’ – No.1 in the UK singles chart.

In 1975, during Narayana Dasa – Virgo / Libra, aged 27.6 years, ‘Fame’ – No.1 single in the US.

In 1977, during Narayana Dasa – Scorpio / Leo, aged 30.7 years, ‘Heros’ – No. 1 in the UK singles chart.

In 1981, during Narayana Dasa – Sagittarius / Aquarius, aged 34.8 years the release of the collaboration single ‘Under Pressure’ – No.1 in the singles chart.

In 1983, during Narayana Dasa – Sagittarius / Aries, aged 36.2 years the release of ‘Let’s Dance’ – No.1 in the singles chart.

In 1996, during Narayana Dasa – Aquarius / Scorpio, aged 49.3 years, inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

2016, during Narayana Dasa – Taurus / Aries, aged 69 years, final album ‘Blackstar’ – No.1 in the UK Albums.

During the early years, Bowie achieved musical milestones up to the age of 50 years and then beyond, there are too many singles and albums to mention them all here, but what a Musical Superstar! 

From the Sun in Sagittarius and Moon in Cancer in his rashi chart, the spotlight falls in the sign of Aquarius.  Nobody achieves mega stardom without others around to recognise, raise and market artistic abilities to establish Bowie as a credible international musician, thus a collaborative effort.  

The lords of Aquarius hold strength with Saturn Raja Yoga Karaka – significator of great status, power and prestige in in the 7th house with directional strength (dig bala) conjoined (juti) moon secondary dispositor of Rahu, Ayus Uccha looking on (drishti) Venus the primary lord of Taurus, placed in the opposite sign of Scorpio.  This connects the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 11th houses for early life, creative abilities, that led to substantial financial gains through many partnerships / relationships and collaborations.

The main Nakshatras: Pushya – Brihaspati, the guru, priest and chief advisor of the gods, is the presiding deity of this Nakshatra.  Since he is the same as the planet Jupiter as understood in astrology, all the attributes and significations associated with Jupiter apply to him as well – generosity, compassion, joyfulness and optimism are manifested through this Nakshatra.  Saturn and Moon are placed in Pushya and for natives here are highly productive and work patiently towards their goals.

Pisces individuals are emotional, expansive, intuitive and imaginative; as  the 3rd house of artistic interests and capacities has one lord Ketu as Ayus Uccha, placed in own sign Scorpio.  The main lord Jupiter is in the Arudha Lagna – his showmanship to the outside world; Jupiter is the planet of optimism, luck, grace, favour and fortune and can indicate musical talents, placed in the highest point in the chart, that of the 10th house of Libra.  Jupiter is also Bowie’s Atma Karaka, this planet rules his soul desires and in the highest point in the chart, that of 10th house, indicates that he was blessed to live a life of his true soul calling, that of a famous creative superstar. 

Venus is the lord of Libra and is Raja Yoga Karaka, lord of the 5th and 10th house for Capricorn lagna, it is placed in the 11th house, of creative aspirations, will and ambition to achieve fame with mega financial rewards. 

The 5th house and 11th house axis has the nodes of Rahu and Ketu in strength, this indicates that Bowie’s huge desire for fame and musical financial gains would in time have to be tempered for spiritual growth. In other words, life challenges remain and once fame and materialistic satisfactions are enjoyed, continual life challenges remain, that of any sorrow, depression and melancholy must be overcome or turned into a learning experience. 

As you can imagine there are numerous auspicious Raja Yogas – success and achievements and Dana Yogas – lets say ‘Vitta’ – money, acquisition, wealth, property and power, a formula that includes the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th and 1st Lords in his astrological chart. The lights in his astrological chart are on the one hand extremely bright with his Sun placed in Sagittarius the 12th house – with his power of performance to arouse and influence others with a strong social sense – the world responded quickly and favourably to Bowie’s music with Jupiter lord in the 10th house and with Moon at home in Cancer gave him fame and recognition from his home country. 

However, with his Sun being the 8th Lord in 12th house, he would have experienced some (Marana Karaka Sthana) – lowly negative feelings when abroad as Sun and Mars are at war (yuddha) and during Mahadasa and antardasa of these planets, hidden difficult events and confusions around musical genres would have been there, however, Vipreeta yoga would have eventually assisted him to overcome challenging times. In addition, his Moon is heavily afflicted by malefics – Mars and Ketu (Bhadakas) giving blockages, along with Rahu and Saturn, so although it is placed in strength, his busy and overwhelmed mindset would have contributed to his heavy alcohol and drug use during the highs and lows of his musical career.

Furthermore, Sun (8th lord) the main giver of wealth is conjunct Mars the bhadakasa, (4th / 11th lord) and Mercury (6th /10th lord) astangata and placed in the 12th house of Sagittarius. The 12th house in a chart shows losses and indicates troubles at home with family life / happiness, addictions and career challenges, however, what is shown is his abilities to find ways to overcome his addictions, physical and mental health matters.

Where can we see his musical abilities? In the Navamsa Chart his Jupiter, Atma karaka indicates soul desires and as lagna lord (lagnesa) in the Arudha Lagna, 4th house, acts exalted, thus extremely strong and shows how he appears to the outside world.  When we analyze the chart trines (1,5,9) –  Pisces the 2nd lagnesa, Ketu conjoined Mars strongly placed in Scorpio along with his Sun in strength conjoined Saturn retrograde (vakra) the Raja Yoga Karaka. In the 9th house, Vargottama nodes Rahu and Ketu, in strength ‘sat on his head’ so to speak, dominating his mindset and gave his desire for flamboyant and androgynous alter ego such as Ziggy Stardust, along with his Sun in Scorpio that gave his innate musical talents for songwriting, singing and playing instruments. In the Dasamsa – career chart, the nodes Rahu and Ketu are exalted, so is Jupiter, the Sun and Venus are in home signs and the Moon connects with his Mercury, this all supports the planetary strengths in the Navamsa Chart through to the rashi chart of birth.

There is more to say about David Bowie that brought so many of us musical joy, so let’s thank the heavens for his blessings. 

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