Medical Astrology -> Therapy for ‘Respiratory Health’


Medical Astrology & Therapeutic Yoga for asthma, sinusitis, catarrh…60 minutes.



Astrological chart analysis for health and wellness:

1/ Hidden diseases revealed

2/ Preventative measures and remedies

3/ Vedic Counselling (optional)

4/ Get in contact to (a) check availabilities (b) make an online payment (c) receive a confirmation of booking

(d) Zoom session – 60 minutes, (e) receive via email the recorded session.


Email: [email protected]


Therapeutic Yoga for asthma – this is usually an allergic condition in which the airways or bronchial tract go into spasm, obstructing the passage of air and causing shortness of breath and wheezing.  During an asthma attack the muscles in the airways contract, narrowing the passages through which air can travel.  Breathing in is fine, as the diaphragm is pulled down and the chest expands, making way for the air to come in.  But breathing out through narrowed tubes is a great problem.  This is why a wheeze or whistling sound occurs as the air is exhaled.  Moreover, the cells in the airways produce more mucus than normal during an attack, which narrows the airways down further and makes breathing even more difficult.


Therapeutic Yoga for sinusitis and catarrh – there are four pairs of air-filled cavities, known as sinuses, around the nose and ears, which are connected by narrow channels to the back of the nose.  These air-filled chambers help to decrease the weight of the head and give acoustic value to the voice.  The sinuses are lined with a membrane which secretes mucus to keep the nasal tract moist.  Under normal circumstances this mucus drains away naturally, keeping air circulating around the sinuses.  But if the sinuses become inflamed – in a condition called sinusitis – the channels between the sinuses and the nasal cavity will be blocked and mucus can accumulate in the cavities, causing pain, congestion and breathing difficulties, loss of smell and sensitivity to light.


Patanjali, the author of the Yoga Sutras, described the eight aspects of yoga as limbs of a tree.

Yama – ethical disciplines Pratyahara – sense withdrawal

Niyama – self observation dharana – concentration

Asana – posture dhyana – meditation

Pranayama – breath control samadhi – a state of joy and peac


“One who is regulated in his habits of eating, sleeping, working and recreation can mitigate all material pains by practicing the yoga system.” Bhagavad-Gita



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