The Superb Interior Designer & Actor
Diane Keaton is highly creative and an impressive orator with an acting career with numerous rewards that has spanned many decades. Her second interest is for architecture and interior design, a passion and extension of her creative expression much like her acting career. She has been active in campaigns with the Los Angeles Conservancy to save and restore historic buildings, particularly in the Los Angeles area. Keaton has purchased, moved in, renovated and flipped houses, as often as once a year. She loves the whole process of renovating, selling and moving on. The House that Pinterest Built’ is a book by Diane Keaton, showcasing her love for curating spaces that blend with rustic charm with modern elegance.

Let’s look at her astrological chart –

Diane Keaton, a versatile actor in Hollywood, has Libra ascendant, with Venus her ruling planet giving her a desire for balance and fairness in life, a love for designs, creativity and relationships. Her ascendent degree is in the second pada of Vishakha Nakshatra, giving her the endurance and durability to accomplish her creative pursuits and material ambitions within her chosen fields. Jupiter placed in the ascendant has (dig bala) directional strength, in general society will look favourably on her. The ascendant lord goes to the 3rd house of Sagittarius, giving her the adventure for travel, learning, artistic pursuits along with abilities for all forms of communication, including writing. She has Jupiter and Venus, both of the benefic planets in Parivartona, meaning that the (lagna) first house of intelligence is linked to the third house of applied intelligence within the creative arts and other third house significations. Both Jupiter and Venus planets are extremely strong and powerful throughout all her charts. Venus in the third house is conjoined Mercury (astangata), Sun (strong) and Ketu (exalted), there is an aspect of Venus, the significator (karaka) for all relationships and afflictions that we will not go into here.
One of her special Nakshatras is Purvabhadrapada ruled by Jupiter in her first house of intelligence – creative artists channel its energy, by implementing all the dark side of life in their arts, whether it be writing, music or drama.

Keaton, as a Real Estate Developer, has resold several mansions in Southern California after renovating and redesigning them. One of her clients was Madonna who purchased a $6.6 million Beverly Hills mansion from Keaton in 2003.
The D4 chart lagna, shows the attitude to property and wealth. The 1/10 axis, has Cancer lagna with Mars – a property significator, placed in parivartona with the Moon in Aries. Her mind and intellect is focused on architecture and she holds a property portfolio. Saturn as Karesha – lord of the 4th house in the rashi chart, is well placed in the D4 chart conjoined an exalted Venus in Pisces the 9th house. Further, Jupiter placed in Libra the 4th house is in parivartona with Venus conjoined Saturn.
Once again we see the strong and powerful Jupiter and Venus connection as in the rashi chart. Saturn is placed in a trine that of the 9th house and has connected with exalted nodes: Rahu and [Ketu – a property significator], Sun, as 2nd lord, shows the wealth accumulated; it shows the sources through which or people for whom properties are purchased. Mercury is placed in Sagittarius, as the dispositor of Rahu and Sun aspects them in Gemini. Whenever this happens, the lord aspecting its own house, it empowers it to give its significations that of energetic nature with a seeking of change and interchange, motion and invention, speculative and adaptable mind with a good command of language.
The four kendras – 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses from the 2nd house show the sources of the capital for buying property. Unless the 2nd lord is associated with the 8th house the native will not take loans for buying property. Keaton, has the lords Sun 2nd lord and Rahu 8th lord conjoined in Gemini the 12th of foreign countries aspected by the expansive Jupiter from the 4th house. Diane Keaton has purchased, renovated and sold many properties both home and abroad.
There is so much more to say about Diane Keaton, one of the most versatile actors in Hollywood and Real Estate Developer.
Q/ Do you have a chart for financial success in the property sector?
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