Gustav Theodor von Holst -(21 September 1974 – 25 May 1934)
Let us celebrate Gustav Holst – 21 September 2024 (check online for upcoming events).

‘The Planets’ & ‘The Stars’ – Vedic Astrology (Part 1 of 3 astrological readings to be released over the next couple of weeks):

Gustav Holst had a Capricorn Ascendant (Sanskrit: Makara Lagna). He was extremely ambitious. His hardworking, persevering and tenacious nature made for a will power for great accomplishments. Saturn in the 1st house, its own sign, earns ‘Sasha Yoga’. This is one of the ‘Maha Parusa Yogas’ of great men. To have the 1st lord (lagnesa) in the first house, gains the blessings of ‘The Sun God’ for material blessings and the ‘Tattva devata’ blessings for good health and very strong immunity with supreme intelligence. It gave Gustav, dexterous and capable hands to learn and play many musical instruments and move steadily towards his desired musical interests with a strong mind (manas).

The ascendant and Saturn are placed in (the ‘Stars’) of Shravana Nakshatra, that translates into very unrelated terms, ‘hearing’ and ‘the one who limps’. The limping meaning is in reference to Vishnu’s three steps (Puranic Stories), while ‘hearing’ is the crux of what this asterism is all about. There are three main symbols for this Nakshatra “row of three uneven footsteps’, ‘trident’ and an ‘ear’. The communication aspect of this asterism is therefore more focused on listening than speaking. It is an amicable Nakshatra, giving the power to listen, learn and teach, those abilities that Gustav demonstrated with his musical talent to ‘hold the listener’s hand’.
Shravana Nakshatra is ruled by the Moon and in Gustav’s chart it is placed in (the ‘Stars’) of Uttarashadha Nakshatra wherethe primary symbol is an ‘elephant’s tusk’. The tusk is the most prized part of an elephant’s anatomy. Elephants are usually very conscious of their tusks and zealously guard them. Researchers have found that the type, colour and size of the tusk has something to do with who becomes the leader of an elephant tribe. It follows that Uttarashadha, as a spiritual nakshatra, has a lot to do with taking the right action, truthfulness, standing for justice and with reference to an ‘elephant’s tusk’ known to give powerful writing and musical talent. [There are many successful musicians born with this natshatra very strong in their astrological charts.]
The Moon in astrology also represents your reputation in society and Gustav was born on a Monday. This day (vara) is ruled by the Moon, representative of the fire energy he radiated. This made him extremely popular among his family, friends, admired by peers and the wider community.
Saturn retrograde is extremely strong and demands that Gustav had to try, try and try again to achieve success. It conjoins the Moon in the ascendant and indicates an unfriendly combination; Saturn a (tamasic) planet – arise from ignorance and slow moving with a (sattvic) planet – having a serene, harmonious balanced mind or attitude and fast moving. Therefore, effort was necessary to focus and steady his fluctuating mind at times throughout creative projects. Furthermore, Saturn and Moon are both (maraka) planets – harmful to health, wellbeing and longevity, as they lord the 1st house of Capricorn, 2nd house of Aquarius and 7th house of Cancer. The drinking of alcohol and taking drugs of any kind, would greatly impact Gustav’s mental state and intellectual mind and take health from his body. Maybe, that is why Gustav was teetotal and a vegetarian with spiritual insight to abstain from substances that would, if over consumed, weigh down his body and dull his intellect and musical talent.

The Sun in astrology represents the ego, self, soul, rational, honour and status: when we go to work and interact in the daylight with the world at large.
Gustav’s Sun in Virgo, the 6th sign of the zodiac; Virgo types possess good intellects, command of the language and nervous sensitivity. They make good teachers, craftsmen, and artists, as they have a strong sense of form, line and detail. This sign has Mercury as the main ruler and in Gustav’s chart it is exalted (uccha), indicating the highest state of strength and with Rahu as the 2nd lord, placed in the 4th house of Aries. Virgo the 9th house is the (dharma bhava) has both Jupiter and Mercury combust (astangata – agni dosa) – set/hidden from the sun and therefore weakened and would damage some of those house significations – the 6th and 9th house ruled by Mercury and the 3rd and 12th houses ruled by Jupiter. One would expect some negative outcomes or losses from these houses, for instance, a change of religious beliefs, philosophical or ethical principles or opinions.
Mercury rules the 6th and the 9th houses, it’s a beneficial planet and its rule over the 9th house of future belief systems and traveling for work. The 6th house relates to work and service, our capacity for karma yoga and for discipline and austerity. Jupiter rules the 3rd and 12th houses, this may have resulted in problems with living far apart from siblings; travels to foreign countries, skills at work, how he related and occasional misunderstandings with communications. There are many other significations for the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th houses in astrology.
Fortunately, Jupiter does well in trines, as it aspects all the others, that of the 1st house, 5th house and 9th house, they are very important for spirituality and strength of character, very auspicious as Vishnu houses, the ‘God of Dharma’. They promote (dharma), for instance, the 9th house is our collective dharma, the 5th house is our creative dharma and the first our personal dharma.
[Part 2 – Next Week]